SpringVisCom Examples


Adjacency matrix
Vector of community assignments for each node
Layout coordinates for each node

Network of network scientists

Largest connected component of the coauthorship network of network scientists compiled by Mark Newman.

Visualisation of network of network scientists

Layout using SpringVisCom default parameters, which attempts to preserve global distances between nodes by placing springs between all pairs of nodes. To generate this layout use:

xy=SpringVisCom(A,S); GraphPlot(xy,A,'scores',S)
Visualisation of network of network scientists

Layout using a sparse distance matrix such that springs are only placed between connected nodes, which only atempts to preserve local distances. To generate this layout use:

[i,j,v]=find(A); D=sparse(i,j,max(v)-v+1); xy=SpringVisCom(D,S,'background_field',1,... 'distance_matrix',true); GraphPlot(xy,A,'scores',S)