"""Graph sparsification"""
import math
import warnings
import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import torch
import numba
from tqdm.auto import tqdm
from local2global_embedding.network import TGraph, spanning_tree_mask, spanning_tree
from local2global_embedding.clustering import Partition
rg = np.random.default_rng()
def _gumbel_topk(weights, k, log_weights=False):
sampling without replacement from potentially large set of values
see arXiv:1903.06059v2
weights: sampling weights (not necessarily normalised)
sampled indices
if k >= len(weights):
return torch.arange(len(weights))
if not log_weights:
weights = torch.log(weights)
dist = torch.distributions.Gumbel(0, 1)
perturbed = weights + dist.sample(weights.shape)
return torch.topk(perturbed, k, sorted=False)[1]
def _sample_edges(graph, n_desired_edges, ensure_connected=True):
if ensure_connected:
edge_mask = spanning_tree_mask(graph, maximise=True)
n_desired_edges -= edge_mask.sum()
unselected_edges = edge_mask.logical_not().nonzero().flatten()
edge_mask = torch.zeros(graph.num_edges, dtype=torch.bool, device=graph.device)
unselected_edges = torch.arange(graph.num_edges, device=graph.device)
if n_desired_edges > 0: # check whether we have sufficiently many edges already
unselected_edge_index = graph.edge_index[:, unselected_edges]
reversed_index = torch.argsort(unselected_edge_index[1]*graph.num_nodes + unselected_edge_index[0])
forward_unselected = unselected_edges[unselected_edge_index[0]<unselected_edge_index[1]]
reverse_unselected = unselected_edges[reversed_index[unselected_edge_index[0]<unselected_edge_index[1]]]
index = _gumbel_topk(graph.weights[forward_unselected], n_desired_edges // 2)
edge_mask[forward_unselected[index]] = True
edge_mask[reverse_unselected[index]] = True
return edge_mask
def _multi_arange(start, stop):
count = np.sum(stop-start)
out = np.empty((count,), dtype=np.int64)
i = 0
for s, t in zip(start, stop):
out[i:i+(t-s)] = np.arange(s, t)
i += t-s
return out
def resistance_sparsify(graph: TGraph, target_mean_degree, ensure_connected=True, epsilon=1e-2):
Sparsify a graph to have a target mean degree using effective resistance based sampling
graph: input graph
target_mean_degree: desired mean degree after sparsification
ensure_connected: if ``True``, first add edges of a maximum spanning tree based on the resistance weights
to ensure that the sparsified graph remains connected if the input graph is connected
epsilon: tolerance for effective resistance computation
sparsified graph
This algorithm is based on the method of
D. A. Spielman and N. Srivastava.
“Graph sparsification by effective resistances”. SIAM Journal on Computing 40.6 (2011), pp. 1913–1926.
However, a fixed number of edges are sampled without replacement, and optionally a maximum spanning tree is kept
to ensure the connectedness of the sparsified graph.
n_desired_edges = int(target_mean_degree * graph.num_nodes / 2) * 2 # round down to an even number of edges
if n_desired_edges >= graph.num_edges:
# graph is already sufficiently sparse
return graph
rgraph = resistance_weighted_graph(graph, epsilon=epsilon)
edge_mask = _sample_edges(rgraph, n_desired_edges, ensure_connected)
edge_index = graph.edge_index[:, edge_mask]
edge_attr = None if graph.edge_attr is None else graph.edge_attr[edge_mask]
return TGraph(edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, ensure_sorted=False,
def conductance_weighted_graph(graph: TGraph):
weights = graph.weights / torch.minimum(graph.strength[graph.edge_index[0]], graph.strength[graph.edge_index[1]])
return TGraph(edge_index=graph.edge_index, edge_attr=weights, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, adj_index=graph.adj_index,
ensure_sorted=False, undir=graph.undir)
def resistance_weighted_graph(graph: TGraph, **args):
modify the edge weights of a graph by multiplying by their effective resistance
graph: input graph
epsilon: tolerance for effective resistance computation (default: ``1e-2``)
copy of input graph with reweighted edges
resistances = effective_resistances(graph, **args)
if graph.edge_attr is None:
edge_attr = resistances
edge_attr = graph.edge_attr * resistances
return TGraph(graph.edge_index, edge_attr, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, ensure_sorted=False, undir=graph.undir,
def effective_resistances(graph: TGraph, **args):
compute effective resistances
graph: input graph
epsilon: tolerance for effective resistance computation (default: ``1e-2``)
effective resistance for each edge
Z = _compute_Z(graph, **args)
Z = torch.from_numpy(Z)
resistances = torch.pairwise_distance(Z[graph.edge_index[0], :], Z[graph.edge_index[1], :]) ** 2
return resistances
def _edge_node_incidence_matrix(graph: TGraph):
indices = np.empty(2 * graph.num_edges, dtype=int)
values = np.empty(2 * graph.num_edges, dtype=int)
indptr = 2 * np.arange(graph.num_edges+1, dtype=np.int64)
indices[::2] = graph.edge_index[0]
indices[1::2] = graph.edge_index[1]
values[::2] = 1
values[1::2] = -1
return sc.sparse.csr_matrix((values, indices, indptr), shape=(graph.num_edges, graph.num_nodes))
def _edge_weight_matrix(graph: TGraph):
weight = graph.weights.cpu().numpy()
W = sc.sparse.dia_matrix((np.sqrt(weight), 0), shape=(len(weight), len(weight)))
return W
def _compute_Z(graph: TGraph, epsilon=10.0 ** -2.0):
W = _edge_weight_matrix(graph)
B = _edge_node_incidence_matrix(graph)
Y = W.dot(B)
L = Y.transpose().dot(Y)
n = graph.num_nodes
m = graph.num_edges
k = math.floor(24.0 * math.log(n) / (epsilon ** 2.0))
delta = epsilon/3.0 * math.sqrt((2.0*(1.0-epsilon)*min(W.diagonal())) / ((1.0+epsilon)*(n**3.0)*max(W.diagonal())))
LU = sc.sparse.linalg.spilu(L+epsilon*sc.sparse.eye(n))
P = sc.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator((n, n), matvec=LU.solve)
Z = np.zeros((n, min(m, k)))
for i in range(Z.shape[1]):
if k < m:
q = ((2 * np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(1, m)) - 1) / math.sqrt(k))
y = q * B
y = y.transpose()
y = Y.getrow(i).transpose().toarray()
Z[:, i], flag = sc.sparse.linalg.lgmres(L, y, M=P, tol=delta)
if flag > 0:
warnings.warn("BiCGstab not converged after {0} iterations".format(flag))
print(Z[:, i])
if flag < 0:
warnings.warn("BiCGstab error {0}".format(flag))
print(Z[:, i])
return Z
def relaxed_spanning_tree(graph: TGraph, maximise=False, gamma=1):
r"""compute relaxed minimum or maximum spanning tree
This implements the relaxed minimum spanning tree algorithm of
M. Beguerisse-Díaz, B. Vangelov, and M. Barahona.
“Finding role communities in directed networks using Role-Based Similarity, Markov Stability and the Relaxed Minimum Spanning Tree”.
In: 2013 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP).
IEEE, 2013, pp. 937–940. isbn: 978-1-4799-0248-4.
graph: input graph
maximise: if ``True`` start with maximum spanning tree
gamma: :math:`\gamma` value for adding edges
mst = spanning_tree(graph, maximise=maximise)
rmst_edges = [mst.edge_index]
rmst_weights = [mst.edge_attr]
if maximise:
reduce_fun = torch.minimum
d = torch.tensor([torch.max(graph.adj_weighted(node)[1]) for node in range(graph.num_nodes)],
reduce_fun = torch.maximum
d = torch.tensor([torch.min(graph.adj_weighted(node)[1]) for node in range(graph.num_nodes)],
target_mask = torch.full((graph.num_nodes,), -1, dtype=torch.long, device=graph.device)
for i in range(graph.num_nodes):
neighbours, weights = graph.adj_weighted(i)
# provide indices into neighbours so we can look up weights easily
target_mask[neighbours] = torch.arange(neighbours.numel())
# breadth-first search over mst to find mst path weights (note mst-edges are already added)
mst_neighbours, mst_weights = mst.adj_weighted(i)
target_mask[mst_neighbours] = -1
not_visited = torch.ones(graph.num_nodes, dtype=torch.bool, device=graph.device)
not_visited[mst_neighbours] = False
not_visited[i] = False
while torch.any(target_mask[neighbours] >= 0):
next_neighbours = []
next_weights = []
for node, weight in zip(mst_neighbours, mst_weights):
n, w = mst.adj_weighted(node)
new = not_visited[n]
n = n[new]
w = w[new]
not_visited[n] = False
next_weights.append(reduce_fun(weight, w))
mst_neighbours = torch.cat(next_neighbours)
mst_weights = torch.cat(next_weights)
index = target_mask[mst_neighbours]
selected = mst_neighbours[index >= 0]
target_mask[selected] = -1
selected_w = mst_weights[index >= 0]
index = index[index >= 0]
if maximise:
add = selected_w-gamma*(d[i]+d[selected]) < weights[index]
add = selected_w+gamma*(d[i]+d[selected]) > weights[index]
rmst_edges.append(torch.stack((torch.full((add.sum().item(),), i, dtype=torch.long), selected[add]), dim=0))
edge_index = torch.cat(rmst_edges, dim=1)
edge_attr = torch.cat(rmst_weights)
return TGraph(edge_index, edge_attr, graph.num_nodes, ensure_sorted=True, undir=graph.undir)
def edge_sampling_sparsify(graph: TGraph, target_degree, ensure_connected=True):
n_desired_edges = int(target_degree * graph.num_nodes / 2) * 2 # round down to an even number of edges
if n_desired_edges >= graph.num_edges:
# graph is already sufficiently sparse
return graph
weights = graph.weights / torch.minimum(graph.strength[graph.edge_index[0]], graph.strength[graph.edge_index[1]])
cgraph = TGraph(graph.edge_index, edge_attr=weights, adj_index=graph.adj_index, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes,
ensure_sorted=False, undir=graph.undir) # convert weights to conductance value
edge_mask = _sample_edges(cgraph, n_desired_edges, ensure_connected)
edge_attr = graph.edge_attr[edge_mask] if graph.edge_attr is not None else None
return TGraph(edge_index=graph.edge_index[:, edge_mask], edge_attr=edge_attr, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes,
ensure_sorted=False, undir=graph.undir)
def nearest_neighbor_sparsify(graph: TGraph, target_degree, ensure_connected=True):
if ensure_connected:
edge_mask = spanning_tree_mask(graph, maximise=True)
edge_mask = torch.zeros((graph.num_nodes,), dtype=torch.bool, device=graph.device)
index = 0
for n in range(graph.num_nodes):
count = graph.adj_index[n+1] - graph.adj_index[n]
if count > target_degree:
neighbour_index = graph.adj_index[n] + torch.topk(graph.weights[graph.adj_index[n]:graph.adj_index[n+1]],
neighbour_index = torch.arange(graph.adj_index[n], graph.adj_index[n+1],
dtype=torch.long, device=graph.device)
edge_mask[neighbour_index] = True
index += len(neighbour_index)
reverse = torch.argsort(graph.edge_index[1]*graph.num_nodes + graph.edge_index[0])
edge_mask *= edge_mask[reverse] # only keep edges that exist in both directions
edge_attr = graph.edge_attr[edge_mask] if graph.edge_attr is not None else None
return TGraph(edge_index=graph.edge_index[:, edge_mask], edge_attr=edge_attr, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes,
ensure_sorted=False, undir=True)
def hierarchical_sparsify(graph: TGraph, clusters, target_level_degree, ensure_connected=True,
rgraph = graph
edge_mask = torch.zeros(graph.num_edges, dtype=torch.bool, device=graph.device)
node_map = np.array(graph.nodes)
reverse_index = torch.argsort(graph.edge_index[1]*graph.num_nodes + graph.edge_index[0]).cpu().numpy()
edges = graph.edge_index.cpu().numpy()
final_num_clusters = clusters[-1].max() + 1
if final_num_clusters > 1:
clusters.append(torch.zeros(final_num_clusters, dtype=torch.long, device=graph.device))
for cluster in clusters:
expanded_cluster = cluster[node_map]
parts = Partition(cluster)
expanded_parts = Partition(expanded_cluster)
for p, ep in tqdm(zip(parts, expanded_parts), total=len(parts), desc='sparsifying clusters'):
sgraph = sparsifier(rgraph.subgraph(p), target_level_degree, ensure_connected)
s_edges = p[sgraph.edge_index]
s_edges = s_edges[0] * rgraph.num_nodes + s_edges[1]
s_edges = s_edges.cpu().numpy()
index = _multi_arange(graph.adj_index[ep].cpu().numpy(), graph.adj_index[ep+1].cpu().numpy())
index = index[edges[0, index] < edges[1, index]] # only forward direction
mapped_edges = node_map[edges[:, index]]
mapped_edges = mapped_edges[0] * rgraph.num_nodes + mapped_edges[1]
valid = np.flatnonzero(np.in1d(mapped_edges, s_edges))
mapped_edges = mapped_edges[valid]
index = index[valid]
u_vals, edge_index = np.unique(mapped_edges, return_inverse=True)
if len(u_vals) < len(valid):
edge_partition = Partition(edge_index)
for e_part in edge_partition:
if len(e_part) > int(target_level_degree):
r = _gumbel_topk(graph.weights[index], int(target_level_degree))
r = e_part
edge_mask[index[r]] = True
edge_mask[reverse_index[index[r]]] = True
edge_mask[index] = True
edge_mask[reverse_index[index]] = True
rgraph = rgraph.partition_graph(cluster, self_loops=False)
node_map = expanded_cluster.cpu().numpy()
edge_attr = graph.edge_attr[edge_mask] if graph.edge_attr is not None else None
return TGraph(edge_index=graph.edge_index[:, edge_mask], edge_attr=edge_attr, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes,
ensure_sorted=False, undir=graph.undir)