Source code for local2global_embedding.sparsify

"""Graph sparsification"""
import math
import warnings

import numpy as np
import scipy as sc
import scipy.sparse
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import torch
import numba
from import tqdm

from import TGraph, spanning_tree_mask, spanning_tree
from local2global_embedding.clustering import Partition

rg = np.random.default_rng()

def _gumbel_topk(weights, k, log_weights=False):
    sampling without replacement from potentially large set of values

    see arXiv:1903.06059v2

        weights: sampling weights (not necessarily normalised)

        sampled indices
    if k >= len(weights):
        return torch.arange(len(weights))

    if not log_weights:
        weights = torch.log(weights)

    dist = torch.distributions.Gumbel(0, 1)

    perturbed = weights + dist.sample(weights.shape)
    return torch.topk(perturbed, k, sorted=False)[1]

def _sample_edges(graph, n_desired_edges, ensure_connected=True):
    if ensure_connected:
        edge_mask = spanning_tree_mask(graph, maximise=True)
        n_desired_edges -= edge_mask.sum()
        unselected_edges = edge_mask.logical_not().nonzero().flatten()
        edge_mask = torch.zeros(graph.num_edges, dtype=torch.bool, device=graph.device)
        unselected_edges = torch.arange(graph.num_edges, device=graph.device)
    if n_desired_edges > 0:  # check whether we have sufficiently many edges already
        unselected_edge_index = graph.edge_index[:, unselected_edges]
        reversed_index = torch.argsort(unselected_edge_index[1]*graph.num_nodes + unselected_edge_index[0])
        forward_unselected = unselected_edges[unselected_edge_index[0]<unselected_edge_index[1]]
        reverse_unselected = unselected_edges[reversed_index[unselected_edge_index[0]<unselected_edge_index[1]]]
        index = _gumbel_topk(graph.weights[forward_unselected], n_desired_edges // 2)
        edge_mask[forward_unselected[index]] = True
        edge_mask[reverse_unselected[index]] = True
    return edge_mask

def _multi_arange(start, stop):
    count = np.sum(stop-start)
    out = np.empty((count,), dtype=np.int64)
    i = 0
    for s, t in zip(start, stop):
        out[i:i+(t-s)] = np.arange(s, t)
        i += t-s
    return out

[docs] def resistance_sparsify(graph: TGraph, target_mean_degree, ensure_connected=True, epsilon=1e-2): """ Sparsify a graph to have a target mean degree using effective resistance based sampling Args: graph: input graph target_mean_degree: desired mean degree after sparsification ensure_connected: if ``True``, first add edges of a maximum spanning tree based on the resistance weights to ensure that the sparsified graph remains connected if the input graph is connected epsilon: tolerance for effective resistance computation Returns: sparsified graph This algorithm is based on the method of D. A. Spielman and N. Srivastava. “Graph sparsification by effective resistances”. SIAM Journal on Computing 40.6 (2011), pp. 1913–1926. However, a fixed number of edges are sampled without replacement, and optionally a maximum spanning tree is kept to ensure the connectedness of the sparsified graph. """ n_desired_edges = int(target_mean_degree * graph.num_nodes / 2) * 2 # round down to an even number of edges if n_desired_edges >= graph.num_edges: # graph is already sufficiently sparse return graph rgraph = resistance_weighted_graph(graph, epsilon=epsilon) edge_mask = _sample_edges(rgraph, n_desired_edges, ensure_connected) edge_index = graph.edge_index[:, edge_mask] edge_attr = None if graph.edge_attr is None else graph.edge_attr[edge_mask] return TGraph(edge_index=edge_index, edge_attr=edge_attr, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, ensure_sorted=False, undir=graph.undir)
[docs] def conductance_weighted_graph(graph: TGraph): weights = graph.weights / torch.minimum(graph.strength[graph.edge_index[0]], graph.strength[graph.edge_index[1]]) return TGraph(edge_index=graph.edge_index, edge_attr=weights, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, adj_index=graph.adj_index, ensure_sorted=False, undir=graph.undir)
[docs] def resistance_weighted_graph(graph: TGraph, **args): """ modify the edge weights of a graph by multiplying by their effective resistance Args: graph: input graph epsilon: tolerance for effective resistance computation (default: ``1e-2``) Returns: copy of input graph with reweighted edges """ resistances = effective_resistances(graph, **args) if graph.edge_attr is None: edge_attr = resistances else: edge_attr = graph.edge_attr * resistances return TGraph(graph.edge_index, edge_attr, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, ensure_sorted=False, undir=graph.undir, adj_index=graph.adj_index)
[docs] def effective_resistances(graph: TGraph, **args): """ compute effective resistances Args: graph: input graph epsilon: tolerance for effective resistance computation (default: ``1e-2``) Returns: effective resistance for each edge """ Z = _compute_Z(graph, **args) Z = torch.from_numpy(Z) resistances = torch.pairwise_distance(Z[graph.edge_index[0], :], Z[graph.edge_index[1], :]) ** 2 return resistances
def _edge_node_incidence_matrix(graph: TGraph): indices = np.empty(2 * graph.num_edges, dtype=int) values = np.empty(2 * graph.num_edges, dtype=int) indptr = 2 * np.arange(graph.num_edges+1, dtype=np.int64) indices[::2] = graph.edge_index[0] indices[1::2] = graph.edge_index[1] values[::2] = 1 values[1::2] = -1 return sc.sparse.csr_matrix((values, indices, indptr), shape=(graph.num_edges, graph.num_nodes)) def _edge_weight_matrix(graph: TGraph): weight = graph.weights.cpu().numpy() W = sc.sparse.dia_matrix((np.sqrt(weight), 0), shape=(len(weight), len(weight))) return W def _compute_Z(graph: TGraph, epsilon=10.0 ** -2.0): W = _edge_weight_matrix(graph) B = _edge_node_incidence_matrix(graph) Y = L = Y.transpose().dot(Y) n = graph.num_nodes m = graph.num_edges k = math.floor(24.0 * math.log(n) / (epsilon ** 2.0)) delta = epsilon/3.0 * math.sqrt((2.0*(1.0-epsilon)*min(W.diagonal())) / ((1.0+epsilon)*(n**3.0)*max(W.diagonal()))) LU = sc.sparse.linalg.spilu(L+epsilon*sc.sparse.eye(n)) P = sc.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator((n, n), matvec=LU.solve) Z = np.zeros((n, min(m, k))) for i in range(Z.shape[1]): if k < m: q = ((2 * np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(1, m)) - 1) / math.sqrt(k)) y = q * B y = y.transpose() else: y = Y.getrow(i).transpose().toarray() Z[:, i], flag = sc.sparse.linalg.lgmres(L, y, M=P, tol=delta) if flag > 0: warnings.warn("BiCGstab not converged after {0} iterations".format(flag)) print(Z[:, i]) if flag < 0: warnings.warn("BiCGstab error {0}".format(flag)) print(Z[:, i]) return Z
[docs] def relaxed_spanning_tree(graph: TGraph, maximise=False, gamma=1): r"""compute relaxed minimum or maximum spanning tree This implements the relaxed minimum spanning tree algorithm of M. Beguerisse-Díaz, B. Vangelov, and M. Barahona. “Finding role communities in directed networks using Role-Based Similarity, Markov Stability and the Relaxed Minimum Spanning Tree”. In: 2013 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP). IEEE, 2013, pp. 937–940. isbn: 978-1-4799-0248-4. Args: graph: input graph maximise: if ``True`` start with maximum spanning tree gamma: :math:`\gamma` value for adding edges """ mst = spanning_tree(graph, maximise=maximise) rmst_edges = [mst.edge_index] rmst_weights = [mst.edge_attr] if maximise: reduce_fun = torch.minimum d = torch.tensor([torch.max(graph.adj_weighted(node)[1]) for node in range(graph.num_nodes)], device=graph.device) else: reduce_fun = torch.maximum d = torch.tensor([torch.min(graph.adj_weighted(node)[1]) for node in range(graph.num_nodes)], device=graph.device) target_mask = torch.full((graph.num_nodes,), -1, dtype=torch.long, device=graph.device) for i in range(graph.num_nodes): neighbours, weights = graph.adj_weighted(i) # provide indices into neighbours so we can look up weights easily target_mask[neighbours] = torch.arange(neighbours.numel()) # breadth-first search over mst to find mst path weights (note mst-edges are already added) mst_neighbours, mst_weights = mst.adj_weighted(i) target_mask[mst_neighbours] = -1 not_visited = torch.ones(graph.num_nodes, dtype=torch.bool, device=graph.device) not_visited[mst_neighbours] = False not_visited[i] = False while torch.any(target_mask[neighbours] >= 0): next_neighbours = [] next_weights = [] for node, weight in zip(mst_neighbours, mst_weights): n, w = mst.adj_weighted(node) new = not_visited[n] n = n[new] w = w[new] not_visited[n] = False next_neighbours.append(n) next_weights.append(reduce_fun(weight, w)) mst_neighbours = mst_weights = index = target_mask[mst_neighbours] selected = mst_neighbours[index >= 0] target_mask[selected] = -1 selected_w = mst_weights[index >= 0] index = index[index >= 0] if maximise: add = selected_w-gamma*(d[i]+d[selected]) < weights[index] else: add = selected_w+gamma*(d[i]+d[selected]) > weights[index] rmst_edges.append(torch.stack((torch.full((add.sum().item(),), i, dtype=torch.long), selected[add]), dim=0)) rmst_weights.append(weights[index[add]]) edge_index =, dim=1) edge_attr = return TGraph(edge_index, edge_attr, graph.num_nodes, ensure_sorted=True, undir=graph.undir)
[docs] def edge_sampling_sparsify(graph: TGraph, target_degree, ensure_connected=True): n_desired_edges = int(target_degree * graph.num_nodes / 2) * 2 # round down to an even number of edges if n_desired_edges >= graph.num_edges: # graph is already sufficiently sparse return graph weights = graph.weights / torch.minimum(graph.strength[graph.edge_index[0]], graph.strength[graph.edge_index[1]]) cgraph = TGraph(graph.edge_index, edge_attr=weights, adj_index=graph.adj_index, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, ensure_sorted=False, undir=graph.undir) # convert weights to conductance value edge_mask = _sample_edges(cgraph, n_desired_edges, ensure_connected) edge_attr = graph.edge_attr[edge_mask] if graph.edge_attr is not None else None return TGraph(edge_index=graph.edge_index[:, edge_mask], edge_attr=edge_attr, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, ensure_sorted=False, undir=graph.undir)
[docs] def nearest_neighbor_sparsify(graph: TGraph, target_degree, ensure_connected=True): if ensure_connected: edge_mask = spanning_tree_mask(graph, maximise=True) else: edge_mask = torch.zeros((graph.num_nodes,), dtype=torch.bool, device=graph.device) index = 0 for n in range(graph.num_nodes): count = graph.adj_index[n+1] - graph.adj_index[n] if count > target_degree: neighbour_index = graph.adj_index[n] + torch.topk(graph.weights[graph.adj_index[n]:graph.adj_index[n+1]], target_degree).indices else: neighbour_index = torch.arange(graph.adj_index[n], graph.adj_index[n+1], dtype=torch.long, device=graph.device) edge_mask[neighbour_index] = True index += len(neighbour_index) reverse = torch.argsort(graph.edge_index[1]*graph.num_nodes + graph.edge_index[0]) edge_mask *= edge_mask[reverse] # only keep edges that exist in both directions edge_attr = graph.edge_attr[edge_mask] if graph.edge_attr is not None else None return TGraph(edge_index=graph.edge_index[:, edge_mask], edge_attr=edge_attr, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, ensure_sorted=False, undir=True)
[docs] def hierarchical_sparsify(graph: TGraph, clusters, target_level_degree, ensure_connected=True, sparsifier=edge_sampling_sparsify): rgraph = graph edge_mask = torch.zeros(graph.num_edges, dtype=torch.bool, device=graph.device) node_map = np.array(graph.nodes) reverse_index = torch.argsort(graph.edge_index[1]*graph.num_nodes + graph.edge_index[0]).cpu().numpy() edges = graph.edge_index.cpu().numpy() final_num_clusters = clusters[-1].max() + 1 if final_num_clusters > 1: clusters.append(torch.zeros(final_num_clusters, dtype=torch.long, device=graph.device)) for cluster in clusters: expanded_cluster = cluster[node_map] parts = Partition(cluster) expanded_parts = Partition(expanded_cluster) for p, ep in tqdm(zip(parts, expanded_parts), total=len(parts), desc='sparsifying clusters'): sgraph = sparsifier(rgraph.subgraph(p), target_level_degree, ensure_connected) s_edges = p[sgraph.edge_index] s_edges = s_edges[0] * rgraph.num_nodes + s_edges[1] s_edges = s_edges.cpu().numpy() index = _multi_arange(graph.adj_index[ep].cpu().numpy(), graph.adj_index[ep+1].cpu().numpy()) index = index[edges[0, index] < edges[1, index]] # only forward direction mapped_edges = node_map[edges[:, index]] mapped_edges = mapped_edges[0] * rgraph.num_nodes + mapped_edges[1] valid = np.flatnonzero(np.in1d(mapped_edges, s_edges)) mapped_edges = mapped_edges[valid] index = index[valid] u_vals, edge_index = np.unique(mapped_edges, return_inverse=True) if len(u_vals) < len(valid): edge_partition = Partition(edge_index) for e_part in edge_partition: if len(e_part) > int(target_level_degree): r = _gumbel_topk(graph.weights[index], int(target_level_degree)) else: r = e_part edge_mask[index[r]] = True edge_mask[reverse_index[index[r]]] = True else: edge_mask[index] = True edge_mask[reverse_index[index]] = True rgraph = rgraph.partition_graph(cluster, self_loops=False) node_map = expanded_cluster.cpu().numpy() edge_attr = graph.edge_attr[edge_mask] if graph.edge_attr is not None else None return TGraph(edge_index=graph.edge_index[:, edge_mask], edge_attr=edge_attr, num_nodes=graph.num_nodes, ensure_sorted=False, undir=graph.undir)